Book Recommendation: “Keenagers: Telling a New Story about Aging”

Keenagers: Telling a New Story about Aging  By Corinne Auman, PhD

What pops into your head when you hear the word “old”? Do you picture a graying grandmother, or a stooped older person with a walker? Do you instantly think about someone 65 who has joined the ranks of Medicare and retired?

The truth is, these are some of the stereotypical (widely-held) thoughts and images we conjure when we hear the term “old.” But how many of these thoughts are true, and to what degree?

In her 2023 book, titled Keenagers: Telling a New Story about Aging, author Corinne Auman, PhD,  asserts that we need a new narrative about aging. Old ways of thinking about aging and its associated stereotypes create real barriers to those who want to remain active, vibrant, and socially engaged well into their later life. We have been programmed since early life to have a set picture of what it means to be old. Society has changed, but notions about aging have not kept up! Auman tells us, “Until we can change our views about our own aging, as well as the views of our friends, neighbors, and families, the big goals can’t be accomplished.”  

What are the big goals? We need to change our mindset about aging. Through her own research, as well as that of others, Auman offers new ideas on how to prepare for, and experience, aging. In a simple, plain language style, she conveys personal stories of lived experience, research results, examples of public policy and programs, and more to walk the reader through ways to update our thinking about aging. She highlights serious issues and barriers and presents ways to overcome them. 

Anyone who wants to live their best life, whether young or old, should read this book. Those who have a deep understanding of these topics have an opportunity to effect change, on a personal and societal level. Isn’t it time? 

– Karen Summey