Your contribution will help ensure the sustainability and outreach of ACAP, providing opportunities for more adult-children and others to receive needed support. If you would like to make your gift in honor or memory of a loved one, we will be happy to send you an acknowledgment that you may forward to your honoree or his/her family. If you work for a company that matches gifts, ACAPcommunity is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so your gift may be matched. And, if you’d like to learn more about including ACAP in your estate planning, we’ll be glad to share how your gift can make a lasting impact.
In advance, thank you for helping ensure caregivers continue to have greatly-needed encouragement and support in order that they may effectively care for their aging loved ones and for themselves.
Information, resources, support and community for adult-children as they care for their aging parents and for themselves.
PO Box 8278
Morganton, NC 28680
Tel: (877) 599-ACAP (2227)
Email: [email protected]