Start A Chapter

What You Need to Know About Establishing an ACAP Chapter

ACAPcommunity is growing! If you’re interested in starting an ACAP chapter in your area, please let us know. We’d love to start a conversation with you!

What is an ACAP chapter?

ACAP chapters are the vehicles through which monthly educational programs and annual conferences are offered for those caring for older adult loved ones. Although designed for adult-children of aging parents, ACAP programs are open to all. Typically, other family members as well as friends and professionals also attend ACAP programs.

Chapters are led by local senior-services professionals. Area content experts provide the educational presentations based on ACAP’s nationally validated and copyrighted curriculum. Local businesses, agencies, and organizations serve as sponsors for each program, connecting with those they serve and providing attendees with additional area resources.

ACAP educational programs are offered throughout the year, either as in-person, virtual, or hybrid (both in-person and virtual) events. There is no cost to attend or view online. ACAP programs have been proven to increase caregivers’ knowledge, skills, and awareness of local resources related to caregiving; reduce caregiver stress through providing needed support and community; and provide tools that help caregivers prepare for their own years as an older adult.

Would my community be a good location for an ACAP chapter?

Any community may be considered for establishing an ACAP chapter. However, communities in which ACAP chapters are most successful are those that offer:

  • A community of 40,000 residents (minimum) within a county of 100,000+
  • An established network of area senior-services professionals
  • Collaborative relationships between Area Agencies on Aging, various housing and health care organizations / agencies, faith-based organizations, recreation services, and elected officials and municipalities
  • A strong desire to provide support for adult-children and others caring for older adults

How do we begin an ACAP chapter? 

  • Become familiar with ACAP’s mission, guiding principles, and curriculum. Learn more at
  • Begin (or continue) conversations with adult-child caregivers in your community.
  • Contact Frances S. Hall, Executive Director, at or 877-599-ACAP / 877-599-2227.

Now, let’s get started on developing an ACAP chapter in your community!