Browse our Monthly Program Content
ACAP is recognized as a trusted educational resource, delivering monthly in-person and online evidence-based programs that provide meaningful information, helping caregivers be successful at all stages of caregiving and advocacy. Many ACAP monthly programs are now available on our YouTube Channel (ACAPcommunity)so that they can be accessed when it is most convenient to you.
Browse our monthly program content below by chapter. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to have immediate access to the latest programs. Check out our CALENDAR OF EVENTS page for upcoming programs. And SIGN UP for our emails to stay informed about in-person programs happening in your community.

First Fridays with ACAP Lunch & Learn – Impacts of Caregiving for Both Caregivers & Care Recipients

First Fridays with ACAP Lunch & Learn – Making Home Safe, Regardless of Age with Rev. Jim Luck

Medicare & SHIIP: The Must- Knows

Age-Related Changes: What’s Normal and What’s Not – ACAP Cobb & Cherokee

The Importance of End of Life Conversations – ACAP Centre County

Communicating with Someone Living with Alzheimers or Other Dementia

Staying Safe While Aging in Place

ACAP Cobb & Cherokee: "Shielding Loved Ones from Scams and Fraud"

ACAP Centre County: "Healthy Eating and Nutritional Needs for Aging Adults"

Vision Changes in Older Adults: Causes and Treatments

ACAP Cape Fear: What is PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly)?

Downsizing: Why? When? And How?